Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So went to the Meeting

I actually made sure to record it to show my family how they degrade me. How they speak to Aaron and I. The whole meeting was about my mom, aaron and I.

Basically she starts off going "out of 17 things how many do you think you passed" I said well I know of two you said I didn't pass so I would say 14 or 15. Then she goes "Well lets go around the room and ask everyone for my amusement" 2 out of 5 people said they would have to review them. My parenting class lady said at least half, my therapist said NONE (meaning I passed NONE), and they didn't ask Aaron.

I failed 5. I got 12/17 that I passed. I am in contempt of court for

1. Letting Aaron stay with me before the background check came back (but I knew he would pass...he was a mailman, if he would have been in trouble he wouldn't be a mailman.)

2. For not having a job yet (but aaron got a job and I want to be a stay at home mom. His job covers ALL the bills plus extra left over)

3. For asking the one lady to not look in a room (which she did, I just knew it was messy.)

4. For missing a scheduled appointment (the lady said she would be there at 8:30 and she wasn't so I went to a friends house and at the meeting she lied and said she said 9:30 but we have her recorded saying 8:30)

5. For a messy house in the beginning (NOT RECENTLY. But messy being like some dirty dishes...but I have all the ladies coming by my house saying my house is clean, and that it's not about my house anymore. I record everything now.)

They want to take my kids. In the meeting they told me that I must be a bordler line personality disorder because I get defensive when I'm around them. OF COURSE I DO THEY WANT MY KIDS. And I jump relationship to relationship. I jumped in instantly and said "I have only been in 2 relationships in my life. I was single for a year waiting for my childs father and never even kissed another guy" I don't see how I am. I'm not impulsive like they seem to try to pin on me. I don't do drugs, I don't drink...

It's not looking good on my part honestly. Even though I try my best and I don't do anything wrong, they still want to make me look like the bad guy. I don't know what to do.

CPS shouldn't be on my case if there is no abuse or neglect suspected. My kids have never had anything broken or bruised (well besides the normal bruise of playing around kind of thing on their leg or something), my kids are always happy loving children, that they are getting an education, a loving supportive family, regular doctors visits, well dressed, tons of clothes and toys, daily baths, regular schedule, daily healthy meals 3 times a day plus healthy snacks, they learn sometime new everyday and very sweet smart children. Plus on top of that my bills are always on time and paid, we have extras like tv/net/phone that some people don't have, they have their own rooms...

Honestly in my opinion they are wasting their time on a person like me when there are actually children out there that need help. But they want to waste their time on me. If I was such a bad person like they try to make me sound would my kids really have everything they have or be loved like they are.

I hate seeing my daughter scared to get into a car because she thinks she might be taken away from me again. It killed me hearing my daughter screaming for me when I was walking to the car while aaron was putting her in the car. These people are doing more harm to my children then anything. Emotionally hurting my children.

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