Friday, November 12, 2010

Court is coming too soon

Again no one came by today. They say they will show up randomly, but it's been two days. I don't know if they come on weekends or not... so I just have to be prepared for anything.

But court is coming up in just 1 week. I am not looking forward to it. I looked for a court appointed lawyer, but of course they are full. I don't know how they can be "full" isn't this one of our rights as a US citizen? I don't understand this stuff. I have never been to court before for anything until two days after my son passed away to be told I will get my kids back.

I keep praying each day that I keep my kids, I can't live my life without my kids. They are my everything. They need their mommy. The last time they were gone for 2 days my daughter was scared to get in a car. Them taking kids away is just wrong, it really messes with children especially children that are loved by their parent. I just don't get how they can rip families apart like they do for no good reason...

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